Sometimes life doesn't exactly go as planned. Tom and I started off the week knowing that we were going to go to Southern California for his great Aunt Fray's funeral (she was 102 years old!) and we thought we would take a couple of extra days and visit my uncle Ozzie in Manhatten Beach. I would have been happy if that's what happened, instead Tom called me on Wednesday saying he was going to the hospital because he was having chest pains! I dropped everything I was doing and rushed over to the hospital, he was a little pale when I got there, but they had done and EKG and they thought everything was ok, but they wanted to keep him overnight because of his family's history of cardiovascular disease. They drew some more blood at 2am and his cardio enzymes were slightly elevated. When I got to the hospital in the morning the cardiologist was there and he said that Tom had a "small" heart attack and they were going to do an angiogram later in the day. The angiogram revealed that he had a 95% blockage in one artery and 80% blockage in another, but there was no damage to his heart (thank God). The doctor put in two stents to clear the arteries. Tom had to spend another night in the hospital and let me tell you, he was none too happy about that! Tom got to come home the day after his "procedure", just in time to see Sarah off on her East Coast trip with school. I am so happy to have him home, resting and taking care of himself. Now "we" are on our way to having a heart healthy diet and plenty of exercise!

Isn't he cute!
A few weeks ago, I was at my sister's house and she had made these Chocolate Chunk and Walnut Oatmeal Cookies, I thought they were pretty tasty, so I decided that I would make these for Tom, so he could still feel like he was eating some yummy treats.
Chocolate Chunk and Walnut Oatmeal Cookies
Preheat oven to 350. Melt 6 tablespoons unsalted butter in a small saucepan over low heat. Remove from heat, and add 3/4 light brown sugar, stir until smooth. Combine 2/3 cup whole wheat flour, 3/4 tsp baking soda, 1 1/2 cups old fashioned oats and 1/2 tsp salt in a medium bowl. Combine butter mixture with the dry ingredients and add 1 egg, lightly beaten, and 1 tsp vanilla extract. Fold in 1/2 cup chopped walnuts and 3 oz bittersweet chocolate, coarsely chopped. Mix well, and spoon by tablespoonfuls onto lightly greased baking sheets. Bake for 12 minutes or until tops are dry to the touch.
Melt butter, add brown sugar
Mix dry ingredients
Add the butter/sugar mixutre, egg, vanilla, walnuts
Bake for about 12 minutes
The cookies came out really good. I know my sister will be mad at me because I used chocolate chips, but I really didn't feel like going to the grocery store, sorry Katie, next time I will use the dark chocolate, I promise.
I told you not to use those...too much butter fat in regular choc chips! glad they turned out good :-)